October 22, 2024

Join us!

Welcome to our community - tell us about yourself and register.
Please enter your real first name.
Please enter your real last name.
Please enter a valid e-mail address. A confirmation email will be sent to this address upon registration.
Please enter a valid username. No spaces, at least 3 characters and contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z
Please enter a valid password.  - No spaces and at least 6 characters long.
For stronger passwords have upper and lower-case letters, numbers and special signs and be up to 10 or 12 characters long

Do NOT use a Miami Police Department address as your address.

State Abbreviation 

Country Code


This will not display the year.  To hide your age use 2000 as your birth Year.

in the form XXX XXX-XXXX

Cell Phone


If Affiliation is Family, Widow(er) or Other

Spouse's Name if not the related to field

If retired or in DROP

Your ID number from the Police Dept

Required field | Field visible on your profile | Field not visible on profile | Information: Point mouse to icon
Thanks for visiting our site! Hope you enjoy your stay!